Victor Berezin - Elena Martynenko

General information

Profile picture of Victor Berezin Profile picture of Elena Martynenko
Victor Berezin (10014633)
Elena Martynenko (10014634)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Senior III
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
5. 72 3 April 2010 Open Standard Senior I Moscow Russia
30. 66 13 August 2008 Open Standard Senior I Stuttgart Germany
30. 12 August 2008 Open Standard Senior I Stuttgart Germany
16. 10 February 2008 International Open Standard Senior I Antwerp Belgium
16. 74 10 February 2008 Open Standard Senior I Antwerp Belgium
16. 75 9 February 2008 World Championship Standard Senior I Antwerp Belgium
3. 84 9 December 2007 Open Standard Senior I Vilnius Lithuania
2. 76 30 September 2007 Open Standard Senior I Riga Latvia
30. 63 17 August 2007 Open Standard Senior I Stuttgart Germany
1. 95 21 April 2007 Open Standard Senior I Mikolajki Poland
13. 100 3 March 2007 World Championship Standard Senior I Mislata Spain
5. 69 9 December 2006 Open Standard Senior I Vilnius Lithuania
33. 58 18 August 2006 Open Standard Senior I Stuttgart Germany
8. 74 13 August 2006 Open Standard Senior I Leipzig Germany
16. 74 1 July 2006 Open Standard Senior I Cervia Italy
3. 84 20 May 2006 Open Standard Senior I St. Petersburg Russia
2. 80 22 April 2006 Open Standard Senior I Mikolajki Poland
10. 99 12 February 2006 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
14. 90 11 February 2006 World Championship Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
2. 92 11 December 2005 Open Standard Senior I Vilnius Lithuania
2. 96 30 October 2005 Open Standard Senior I Moscow Russia
36. 58 19 August 2005 Open Standard Senior I Stuttgart Germany