Thomas Kagnes - Alexandra Sandaker

General information

Profile picture of Thomas Kagnes Profile picture of Alexandra Sandaker
Thomas Kagnes (10000515)
Alexandra Sandaker (10009914)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
52. 10 27 October 2007 World Championship Standard Adult Moscow Russia
6. 127 30 September 2007 International Open Standard Adult Oslo Norway
6. 29 September 2007 International Open Standard Adult Lillestrøm Norway
14. 69 22 September 2007 International Open Standard Adult Gothenburg Sweden
121. 21 18 August 2007 GrandSlam Standard Adult Stuttgart Germany
13. 89 18 February 2007 International Open Standard Adult Copenhagen Denmark
25. 47 17 December 2006 International Open Standard Adult Riga Latvia
45. 50 25 November 2006 World Championship Standard Adult Aarhus Denmark
3. 140 30 September 2006 International Open Standard Adult Oslo Norway
22. 48 10 December 2005 International Open Standard Adult Turku Finland
32. 100 12 November 2005 World Championship Standard Adult Krefeld Germany
31. 21 May 2005 European Championship Standard Adult St. Petersburg Russia
41. 75 30 October 2004 World Championship Standard Adult Vilnius Lithuania
26. 22 28 June 2004 Open Standard Adult Alassio Italy
42. 40 22 June 2004 GrandSlam Standard Adult Cervia Italy
28. 17 24 May 2004 Open Standard Adult London England
7. 45 8 May 2004 Open Standard Adult Riga Latvia