Taha Batu Cosar - Oleksandra Shanko

General information

Profile picture of Taha Batu Cosar Profile picture of Oleksandra Shanko
Taha Batu Cosar (10075758)
Oleksandra Shanko (10072405)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
41. 25 May 2019 European Championship Latin Adult Paris France
5. 221 12 May 2019 International Open Latin Adult Izmir Türkiye
9. 19 May 2018 World Championship Latin Under 21 Tbilisi Georgia
31. 12 May 2018 European Championship Latin Adult Debrecen Hungary
6. 208 29 April 2018 International Open Latin Adult Izmir Türkiye
16. 168 1 April 2018 World Open Latin Adult Bucharest Romania
28. 35 11 March 2018 International Open Latin Adult Moscow Region Russia
43. 18 November 2017 World Championship Latin Adult Vienna Austria
8. 360 5 November 2017 World Open Latin Adult Ankara Türkiye
Noshow 4 November 2017 Open Latin Rising Stars Ankara Türkiye
Noshow 15 April 2017 European Championship Latin Adult Cambrils Spain
Noshow 25 February 2017 World Championship Latin Under 21 Bassano del Grappa Italy
1. 165 5 February 2017 Open Latin Adult Adana Türkiye
4. 17 December 2016 World Championship Latin Youth Riga Latvia
Excused 27 November 2016 International Open Latin Adult Tallinn Estonia
2. 419 27 November 2016 Open Latin Youth Tallinn Estonia
4. 259 18 November 2016 Open Latin Youth Vienna Austria
17. 160 6 November 2016 World Open Latin Adult Ankara Türkiye
1. 345 6 November 2016 Open Latin Youth Ankara Türkiye
Noshow 5 November 2016 Open Latin Rising Stars Ankara Türkiye
3. 198 16 October 2016 International Open Latin Adult Antalya Türkiye
1. 300 15 October 2016 Open Latin Youth Antalya Türkiye
115. 46 11 August 2016 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart Germany
11. 312 9 August 2016 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
Noshow 25 June 2016 International Open Latin Adult Alassio Italy
1. 330 25 June 2016 Open Latin Youth Alassio Italy
3. 24 June 2016 Open Latin Under 21 Alassio Italy
Excused 24 June 2016 South European Championship Latin Adult Alassio Italy
1. 300 1 May 2016 Open Latin Youth Antalya Türkiye
24. 91 1 May 2016 World Open Latin Adult Antalya Türkiye
4. 26 March 2016 European Championship Latin Youth Cambrils Spain
Excused 22 November 2015 World Open Latin Adult Vienna Austria
13. 230 21 November 2015 Open Latin Youth Vienna Austria
15. 176 31 October 2015 World Open Latin Adult Ankara Türkiye
2. 324 31 October 2015 Open Latin Youth Ankara Türkiye
1. 30 October 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Ankara Türkiye
17. 10 October 2015 World Championship Latin Youth Chisinau Moldova
12. 123 5 September 2015 International Open Latin Adult Burgas Bulgaria