Stefan Herzog - Cornelia Kreuter

General information

Profile picture of Stefan Herzog Profile picture of Cornelia Kreuter
Stefan Herzog (10042446)
Cornelia Kreuter (10042447)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
18. 24 June 2017 World Cup Latin Adult Baden-Baden Germany
Noshow 27 March 2016 European Championship Latin Adult Cambrils Spain
14. 6 September 2015 World Championship Show Dance Latin Adult Chengdu People's Republic of China
Noshow 8 February 2015 International Open Latin Adult Szigetszentmiklós Hungary
88. 37 15 November 2014 World Open Latin Adult Vienna Austria
19. 28 25 October 2014 Open Latin Adult Trencin Slovakia
29. 42 19 October 2014 International Open Latin Adult Timisoara Romania
Noshow 4 October 2014 International Open Latin Adult Ostrava Czechia
74. 33 13 September 2014 World Open Latin Adult Prague Czechia
37. 12 September 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Prague Czechia
50. 28 7 September 2014 World Open Latin Adult Bratislava Slovakia
Noshow 21 June 2014 Open Latin Adult Szeged Hungary
Excused 7 June 2014 International Open Latin Adult Olomouc Czechia
39. 68 24 May 2014 World Open Latin Adult Szombathely Hungary
28. 28 April 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
48. 20 27 April 2013 International Open Latin Adult Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy