Sergo Tsivtsivadze - Tamara Bunatian

General information

Profile picture of Sergo Tsivtsivadze Profile picture of Tamara Bunatian
Sergo Tsivtsivadze (10034531)
Tamara Bunatian (10062058)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
30. 103 17 May 2015 World Open Latin Adult Tbilisi Georgia
3. 81 2 May 2015 Open Latin Adult Athens Greece
Noshow 25 April 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
Noshow 25 April 2015 International Open Latin Adult Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
29. 41 18 April 2015 International Open Latin Adult Olbia Italy
Excused 18 April 2015 International Open Standard Adult Olbia Italy
Noshow 17 April 2015 Open Standard Rising Stars Olbia Italy
Noshow 17 April 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Olbia Italy
24. 99 4 April 2015 World Open Latin Adult Thessaloniki Greece
34. 95 22 March 2015 World Open Latin Adult Antalya Türkiye
20. 80 14 March 2015 International Open Latin Adult Alytus Lithuania
22. 51 8 March 2015 International Open Latin Adult Thessaloniki Greece
Excused 14 February 2015 World Open Latin Adult Copenhagen Denmark
26. 37 4 January 2015 International Open Latin Adult Castenaso Italy
Excused 7 November 2014 World Open Latin Adult Pomezia Italy