Robin Grones - Valentina Martini

General information

Profile picture of Robin Grones Profile picture of Valentina Martini
Robin Grones (10068577)
Valentina Martini (10068578)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
8. 75 28 April 2013 Open Latin Adult Moscow Russia
3. 228 27 April 2013 Open Latin Youth Moscow Russia
33. 61 24 March 2013 Open Latin Youth Pieve di Cento Italy
18. 2 February 2013 Open Latin Under 21 Antwerp Belgium
14. 1 February 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Antwerp Belgium
12. 193 9 December 2012 Open Latin Youth Maribor Slovenia
17. 81 10 November 2012 Open Latin Youth Pescara Italy
15. 10 November 2012 Open Latin Under 21 Pescara Italy
38. 70 25 March 2012 Open Latin Youth Brno Czechia
92. 20 24 March 2012 International Open Latin Adult Brno Czechia
61. 11 February 2012 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano Italy
28. 68 11 February 2012 Open Latin Youth Bassano Italy
37. 35 11 December 2011 Open Latin Youth Maribor Slovenia
71. 15 10 December 2011 International Open Latin Adult Maribor Slovenia
119. 18 20 November 2011 International Open Latin Adult Vienna Austria
21. 32 30 April 2011 Open Latin Youth Verona Italy