Remondo Goedkoop - Serena Goedkoop

General information

Profile picture of Remondo Goedkoop Profile picture of Serena Goedkoop
Remondo Goedkoop (10004845)
Serena Goedkoop (10004846)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
33. 15 October 2005 Open Latin Adult Arnhem Netherlands
33. 24 15 October 2005 International Open Latin Adult Aarnhem Netherlands
15. 44 11 June 2005 International Open Standard Adult Rouen France
13. 20 17 January 2004 Open Standard Adult Lille France
53. 11 October 2003 World Championship Standard Youth Bydgoszoz Poland
28. 20 September 2003 World Cup Ten Dance Youth Berlin Germany
28. 20 September 2003 World Cup Ten Dance Adult Berlin Germany
31. 22 2 August 2003 GrandSlam Latin Adult Singapore Singapore
31. 2 August 2003 International Open Latin Adult Singapore Singapore
10. 14 June 2003 Open Standard Adult Le Havre France
10. 14 June 2003 Open Standard Adult Le Havre France
22. 31 May 2003 Open Latin Adult Rouen France
22. 31 May 2003 Open Latin Adult Rouen France
43. 8 February 2003 Open Standard Adult Antwerp Belgium
43. 18 8 February 2003 International Open Standard Adult Antwerpen Belgium
89. 8 9 November 2002 International Open Standard Adult Assen Netherlands
45. 26 October 2002 International Open Standard Adult Moscow Russia
62. 5 October 2002 International Open Latin Adult Ostrava Czechia
61. 12 May 2001 World Cup Standard Adult bärnbach Austria
22. 2 December 2000 World Cup Ten Dance Adult Szeged Hungary