Pitt-Alexander Wibawa - Natalia Horvathova

General information

Profile picture of Pitt-Alexander Wibawa Profile picture of Natalia Horvathova
Pitt-Alexander Wibawa (10069769)
Natalia Horvathova (10069768)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
29. 80 31 March 2013 Open Latin Youth Cambrils Spain
28. 30 March 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Cambrils Spain
37. 29 March 2013 European Championship Standard Youth Cambrils Spain
58. 11 18 November 2012 Open Standard Youth Vienna Austria
60. 11 17 November 2012 Open Latin Youth Vienna Austria
23. 27 October 2012 World Championship Ten Dance Youth Moscow Russia
4. 220 7 October 2012 Open Latin Youth Ostrava Czechia
7. 144 6 October 2012 Open Standard Youth Ostrava Czechia
42. 15 September 2012 World Championship Standard Youth Schladming Austria
152. 5 17 August 2012 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
135. 5 15 August 2012 Open Standard Youth Stuttgart Germany
51. 14 August 2012 European Championship Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
4. 176 29 July 2012 Open Standard Youth Schladming Austria
5. 160 28 July 2012 Open Latin Youth Schladming Austria
17. 28 28 July 2012 Open Latin Adult Schladming Austria
5. 200 17 June 2012 Open Standard Youth Krsko Slovenia
8. 180 16 June 2012 Open Latin Youth Krsko Slovenia