Pietro Celetti - Laura Amonini

General information

Profile picture of Pietro Celetti Profile picture of Laura Amonini
Pietro Celetti (10074830)
Laura Amonini (10092195)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
232. 46 11 August 2016 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart Germany
29. 36 25 June 2016 International Open Latin Adult Alassio Italy
8. 24 June 2016 South European Championship Latin Adult Alassio Italy
39. 29 22 May 2016 International Open Latin Adult Chiasso Switzerland
28. 30 30 April 2016 International Open Latin Adult Lausanne Switzerland
28. 32 5 March 2016 International Open Latin Adult Marseille France
39. 15 4 January 2016 Open Latin Adult Verona Italy
19. 6 November 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Salsomaggiore Italy
14. 6 November 2015 Open Latin Under 21 Salsomaggiore Italy
29. 38 6 November 2015 International Open Latin Adult Salsomaggiore Italy
20. 29 3 October 2015 Open Latin Adult Frauenfeld Switzerland
278. 51 13 August 2015 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart Germany
121. 15 21 February 2015 World Open Latin Adult Moscow Russia
19. 8 February 2015 Open Latin Under 21 Bassano del Grappa Italy
56. 30 8 February 2015 World Open Latin Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
30. 7 February 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy
16. 28 November 2014 Open Latin Under 21 Milan Italy
65. 19 28 November 2014 International Open Latin Adult Milan Italy