Paul van de Riet - Sanneke van de Riet

General information

Profile picture of Paul van de Riet Profile picture of Sanneke van de Riet
Paul van de Riet (10003229)
Sanneke van de Riet (10003230)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
17. 40 11 June 2005 International Open Latin Adult Rouen, France
30. 40 16 April 2005 International Open Latin Adult Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg
39. 35 19 December 2004 International Open Latin Adult Luxembourg, Luxembourg
48. 32 17 October 2004 International Open Latin Adult Liege, Belgium
23. 31 16 October 2004 International Open Latin Adult Aarnhem, Netherlands
12. 30 12 June 2004 Open Latin Adult Rouen, France
20. 20 12 June 2004 Open Standard Adult Rouen, France
19. 63 5 June 2004 International Open Latin Adult Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg
14. 20 17 January 2004 Open Latin Adult Lille, France
18. 20 17 January 2004 Open Standard Adult Lille, France
13. 20 18 January 2003 Open Latin Adult Lille, France
19. 20 18 January 2003 Open Standard Adult Lille, France
18. 20 1 June 2002 Open Standard Adult Rouen, France
16. 20 1 June 2002 Open Latin Adult Rouen, France