Pasha Pashkov - Inna Brayer

General information

Profile picture of Pasha Pashkov Profile picture of Inna Brayer
Pasha Pashkov
Inna Brayer (10032365)
Danced for
United States
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
9. 10 February 2008 World Cup Ten Dance Adult Vancouver Canada
11. 84 9 February 2008 International Open Latin Adult Vancouver Canada
11. 20 October 2007 World Championship Ten Dance Adult Tokyo Japan
27. 29 October 2006 World Championship Ten Dance Adult Moscow Russia
12. 27 November 2004 World Championship Ten Dance Youth Tallinn Estonia
20. 6 November 2004 World Championship Standard Youth Shanghai People's Republic of China
14. 30 April 2004 Open Standard Youth Wels Austria
10. 22 February 2004 Open Standard Youth Tralee Ireland
11. 21 February 2004 Open Latin Youth Tralee Ireland
30. 11 October 2003 World Championship Standard Youth Bydgoszoz Poland
14. 20 September 2003 World Cup Ten Dance Youth Berlin Germany
14. 20 September 2003 World Cup Ten Dance Adult Berlin Germany