Maxim Stepanov - Viktoria Konstantinova

General information

Profile picture of Maxim Stepanov Profile picture of Viktoria Konstantinova
Maxim Stepanov (10036140)
Viktoria Konstantinova (10060827)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
3. 22 September 2012 World Championship Latin Youth Beijing, People's Republic of China
1. 795 17 August 2012 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart, Germany
1. 14 August 2012 European Championship Latin Youth Stuttgart, Germany
19. 100 6 May 2012 International Open Latin Adult Kaunas, Lithuania
1. 465 6 May 2012 Open Latin Youth Kaunas, Lithuania
1. 345 5 May 2012 Open Latin Youth Riga, Latvia
5. 246 15 April 2012 International Open Latin Adult Mikolajki, Poland
1. 405 13 April 2012 Open Latin Youth Mikolajki, Poland
1. 405 8 April 2012 Open Latin Youth Cambrils, Spain
2. 392 10 March 2012 Open Latin Youth Slavutych, Ukraine
8. 228 25 February 2012 International Open Latin Adult Moscow, Russia
1. 120 10 December 2011 Open Latin Youth Dortmund, Germany
6. 171 3 December 2011 International Open Latin Adult Malta, Malta
1. 80 3 December 2011 Open Latin Youth Malta, Malta
12. 88 12 November 2011 International Open Latin Adult Warsaw, Poland
11. 111 6 November 2011 International Open Latin Adult Riga, Latvia
4. 220 1 October 2011 World Championship Latin Youth Ostrava, Czechia
39. 59 18 August 2011 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart, Germany
2. 88 12 June 2011 Open Latin Youth Berlin, Germany
10. 119 8 May 2011 International Open Latin Adult Kaunas, Lithuania
10. 23 April 2011 European Championship Latin Youth Sant Cugat del Valles, Spain
30. 37 16 April 2011 International Open Latin Adult Mikolajki, Poland
1. 150 7 April 2011 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
2. 108 27 March 2011 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
11. 56 27 February 2011 Open Latin Adult Moscow, Russia
1. 145 16 January 2011 Open Latin Youth Minsk, Belarus