Matthias Allain - Cyrielle Mattana

General information

Profile picture of Matthias Allain Profile picture of Cyrielle Mattana
Matthias Allain (10042479)
Cyrielle Mattana (10042480)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
22. 23 April 2011 European Championship Latin Youth Sant Cugat del Valles, Spain
59. 16 10 April 2011 International Open Latin Adult Moscow, Russia
6. 83 7 April 2011 Open Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
4. 68 26 March 2011 Open Latin Youth Marseille, France
4. 81 12 February 2011 Open Latin Youth Bassano, Italy
13. 12 February 2011 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano, Italy
11. 5 December 2010 Open Latin Rising Stars Salou, Spain
3. 102 4 December 2010 Open Latin Youth Salou, Spain
4. 78 14 November 2010 Open Latin Youth Pontault Combault, France
33. 42 13 November 2010 International Open Latin Adult Pontault Combault, France
13. 54 6 November 2010 Open Latin Youth Pieve di Cento, Italy
31. 44 6 November 2010 International Open Latin Adult Pieve di Cento, Italy
9. 74 12 September 2010 Open Latin Youth Prague, Czechia
55. 17 11 September 2010 International Open Latin Adult Prague, Czechia
11. 80 25 April 2010 Open Latin Youth Linz, Austria
24. 55 24 April 2010 World Championship Latin Youth Linz, Austria
16. 50 17 April 2010 International Open Latin Adult Andorra, Andorra
2. 17 April 2010 Open Latin Youth Andorra, Andorra
30. 11 April 2010 Open Latin Youth Megève, France
26. 40 4 April 2010 International Open Latin Adult Sitges, Spain
17. 56 27 March 2010 International Open Latin Adult Evry, France
2. 27 March 2010 Open Latin Youth Evry, France
30. 20 March 2010 European Championship Latin Youth Moscow, Russia
21. 33 23 January 2010 Open Latin Adult Paris, France
9. 45 12 December 2009 Open Latin Adult Vienne, France
3. 15 November 2009 Open Latin Youth Paris, France
14. 29 14 November 2009 Open Latin Adult Paris, France
31. 37 7 November 2009 International Open Latin Adult Mersch, Luxembourg
15. 62 31 October 2009 International Open Latin Adult Granollers, Spain
2. 31 October 2009 Open Latin Youth Granollers, Spain
38. 37 11 October 2009 International Open Latin Adult Platja d'Aro, Spain
6. 10 October 2009 Open Latin Youth Platja d'Aro, Spain
55. 17 13 July 2009 International Open Latin Adult Alassio, Italy
18. 12 July 2009 Open Latin Youth Alassio, Italy
3. 21 March 2009 Open Latin Youth Marseille, France
4. 22 March 2008 Open Latin Junior II Marseille, France