Matteo Modri - Samantha Benedetti

General information

Profile picture of Matteo Modri Profile picture of Samantha Benedetti
Matteo Modri (10089080)
Samantha Benedetti (10038343)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
43. 23 28 February 2016 International Open Latin Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
33. 27 February 2016 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy
73. 20 27 November 2015 International Open Latin Adult Milano Malpensa Italy
Excused 14 November 2015 World Open Latin Adult Pomezia Italy
43. 13 November 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Pomezia Italy
22. 25 April 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
37. 26 25 April 2015 International Open Latin Adult Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
44. 68 8 February 2015 World Open Latin Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
16. 7 February 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy
14. 29 June 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Alassio Italy
45. 22 28 June 2014 International Open Latin Adult Alassio Italy
33. 35 11 May 2014 International Open Latin Adult Rimini Italy
31. 10 May 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Rimini Italy
18. 26 April 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
34. 35 26 April 2014 International Open Latin Adult Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
28. 21 March 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Pieve di Cento Italy
53. 30 9 February 2014 World Open Latin Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
35. 8 February 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy