Matic Breskvar - Saba Stancic

General information

Profile picture of Matic Breskvar Profile picture of Saba Stancic
Matic Breskvar (10038045)
Saba Stancic (10038046)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
54. 20 June 2009 European Championship Latin Youth Höfingen, Germany
3. 13 June 2009 Open Latin Youth Krsko, Slovenia
41. 38 9 May 2009 International Open Latin Adult Izola, Slovenia
28. 34 4 April 2009 International Open Latin Adult Evry, France
7. 4 April 2009 Open Latin Youth Evry, France
28. 4 April 2009 Open Latin Adult Evry, France
94. 15 21 March 2009 International Open Latin Adult Subotica, Serbia
15. 14 December 2008 Open Latin Youth Maribor, Slovenia
46. 34 13 December 2008 International Open Latin Adult Maribor, Slovenia
36. 39 6 December 2008 International Open Latin Adult Varazdin, Croatia
10. 6 December 2008 Open Latin Youth Varazdin, Croatia
86. 16 9 November 2008 International Open Latin Adult Bologna, Italy
27. 25 26 October 2008 Open Latin Adult Zagreb, Croatia
19. 21 September 2008 Open Latin Youth Kistelek, Hungary
2. 7 June 2008 Open Latin Youth Krsko, Slovenia
12. 27 April 2008 Open Latin Youth Zagreb, Croatia
15. 6 April 2008 Open Latin Youth Brno, Czechia
23. 16 February 2008 Open Latin Youth Bassano del Grappa, Italy
37. 15 December 2007 World Championship Latin Junior II Riga, Latvia
4. 1 December 2007 Open Latin Junior II Varazdin, Croatia
86. 9 November 2007 International Open Latin Adult Bologna, Italy
5. 21 April 2007 Open Latin Junior II Zagreb, Croatia
19. 9 December 2006 Open Latin Junior II Maribor, Slovenia
8. 3 December 2006 Open Latin Junior II Varazdin, Croatia
10. 11 December 2005 Open Latin Junior I Maribor, Slovenia
7. 8 May 2005 Open Latin Junior I Izola, Slovenia