Marco Gervasi - Monica Raspanti

General information

Profile picture of Marco Gervasi Profile picture of Monica Raspanti
Marco Gervasi (10075288)
Monica Raspanti (10044757)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
4. 115 4 February 2017 Open Latin Adult Napoli Italy
28. 98 17 December 2016 World Open Latin Adult Pomezia Italy
10. 176 10 December 2016 International Open Latin Adult Jesi Italy
3. 9 December 2016 Open Latin Rising Stars Jesi Italy
5. 21 May 2016 Open Latin Rising Stars Arborea Italy
13. 73 21 May 2016 International Open Latin Adult Arborea Italy
12. 39 29 April 2016 Open Latin Adult Firenze Italy
25. 96 9 April 2016 World Open Latin Adult Megeve France
1. 22 November 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Ruse Bulgaria
13. 73 21 November 2015 International Open Latin Adult Ruse Bulgaria
46. 77 14 November 2015 World Open Latin Adult Pomezia Italy
4. 13 November 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Pomezia Italy
17. 95 31 October 2015 International Open Latin Adult Bucharest Romania
7. 25 April 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
62. 18 25 April 2015 International Open Latin Adult Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
10. 55 11 April 2015 Open Latin Adult Catania Italy
23. 87 21 February 2015 World Open Latin Adult Mellieha Malta
58. 35 7 November 2014 World Open Latin Adult Pomezia Italy