Marc van Tilborgh - Marianne van Tilborgh

General information

Profile picture of Marc van Tilborgh Profile picture of Marianne van Tilborgh
Marc van Tilborgh (10003601)
Marianne van Tilborgh (10003602)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Senior I
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
28. 3 April 2004 Open Standard Senior Evry France
28. 25 3 April 2004 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
48. 20 8 February 2004 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
29. 11 October 2003 Open Standard Senior Arnhem Netherlands
29. 25 11 October 2003 Open Standard Senior I Arnhem Netherlands
34. 16 August 2003 Open Standard Senior Esch Sur Alzette Luxembourg
34. 25 16 August 2003 Open Standard Senior I Esch Sur Alzette Luxembourg
34. 16 August 2003 International Open Standard Adult Esch-Alzette Luxembourg
20. 5 April 2003 Open Standard Senior Evry France
20. 35 5 April 2003 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
20. 21 February 2003 Open Standard Senior Tralee Ireland
20. 35 21 February 2003 Open Standard Senior I Tralee Ireland
46. 20 9 February 2003 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
18. 35 8 December 2002 Open Standard Senior I Salou Spain
18. 8 December 2002 Open Standard Senior Salou Spain
44. 20 13 October 2002 Open Standard Senior I Liege Belgium
17. 35 20 April 2002 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
22. 35 13 April 2002 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
24. 35 10 February 2002 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium