Liudas Tamulaitis - Mona Vinkleryte

General information

Profile picture of Liudas Tamulaitis Profile picture of Mona Vinkleryte
Liudas Tamulaitis (10026815)
Mona Vinkleryte (10033288)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
35. 40 6 May 2012 International Open Latin Adult Kaunas, Lithuania
39. 26 5 May 2012 International Open Latin Adult Riga, Latvia
10. 80 29 April 2012 Open Latin Adult Moscow, Russia
14. 95 8 April 2012 International Open Latin Adult Ljubljana, Slovenia
28. 41 10 March 2012 International Open Latin Adult Slavutych, Ukraine
4. 4 February 2012 Open Latin Under 21 Antwerp, Belgium
39. 110 4 February 2012 GrandSlam Latin Adult Antwerp, Belgium
7. 3 February 2012 Open Latin Rising Stars Antwerp, Belgium
40. 29 15 January 2012 International Open Latin Adult Madrid, Spain
15. 3 December 2011 European Union Championship Latin Adult Wetzlar, Germany
140. 12 18 August 2011 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart, Germany
47. 39 3 June 2011 International Open Latin Adult Rimini, Italy
24. 44 8 May 2011 International Open Latin Adult Kaunas, Lithuania
14. 64 30 April 2011 International Open Latin Adult Zevenbergen, Netherlands
34. 34 16 April 2011 International Open Latin Adult Mikolajki, Poland
25. 44 2 April 2011 International Open Latin Adult Evry, France
46. 26 March 2011 European Championship Latin Adult Marseille, France
3. 69 12 March 2011 Open Latin Adult Alytus, Lithuania
20. 66 20 February 2011 International Open Latin Adult Tilburg, Netherlands
1. 19 February 2011 Open Latin Rising Stars Tilburg, Netherlands
39. 46 5 February 2011 International Open Latin Adult Antwerp, Belgium
7. 4 February 2011 Open Latin Rising Stars Antwerp, Belgium
38. 43 29 January 2011 International Open Latin Adult Pforzheim, Germany
13. 17 December 2010 Open Latin Rising Stars Riga, Latvia
16. 71 27 November 2010 International Open Latin Adult Tallinn, Estonia
45. 42 20 November 2010 International Open Latin Adult Vienna, Austria