Ivan Ruic - Ana Domisljanovic

General information

Profile picture of Ivan Ruic Profile picture of Ana Domisljanovic
Ivan Ruic (10009905)
Ana Domisljanovic (10009906)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
18. 10 December 2006 Open Latin Youth Maribor Slovenia
3. 11 November 2006 Open Latin Youth Zagreb Croatia
16. 48 15 October 2006 International Open Latin Adult Platja d'Aro Spain
25. 14 October 2006 World Championship Ten Dance Youth Platja d'Aro Spain
32. 39 6 May 2006 International Open Latin Adult Izola Slovenia
58. 22 April 2006 World Championship Standard Youth Wels Austria
10. 9 April 2006 Open Standard Youth Bjelovar Croatia
22. 48 9 April 2006 International Open Latin Adult Bjelovar Croatia
6. 8 April 2006 Open Latin Youth Bjelovar Croatia
29. 11 December 2005 Open Standard Youth Maribor Slovenia
26. 10 December 2005 Open Latin Youth Maribor Slovenia
48. 10 December 2005 International Open Latin Adult Maribor Slovenia
48. 32 10 December 2005 International Open Latin Adult Maribor Slovenia
26. 38 3 December 2005 International Open Latin Adult Varazdin Croatia
10. 3 December 2005 Open Latin Youth Varazdin Croatia
13. 22 5 November 2005 Open Latin Adult Zagreb Croatia
36. 39 1 October 2005 International Open Latin Adult Belgrade Serbia
35. 39 7 May 2005 International Open Latin Adult Izola Slovenia
25. 7 May 2005 Open Latin Youth Izola Slovenia
49. 24 April 2005 Open Latin Youth Wels Austria
50. 23 April 2005 World Championship Latin Youth Wels Austria
17. 66 16 April 2005 International Open Latin Adult Bjelovar Croatia
28. 5 February 2005 World Championship Ten Dance Youth Antwerpen Belgium
15. 22 6 November 2004 Open Latin Adult Zagreb Croatia
56. 9 October 2004 World Championship Latin Youth Platja D'Aro Spain
46. 18 8 May 2004 International Open Latin Adult Izola Slovenia
8. 14 December 2003 Open Latin Junior II Maribor Slovenia
50. 18 October 2003 World Championship Latin Junior II Vilnius Lithuania