Franz Welzel - Hannelore Welzel

General information

Profile picture of Franz Welzel Profile picture of Hannelore Welzel
Franz Welzel (10021994)
Hannelore Welzel (10021995)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Senior IV
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
Excused 19 October 2019 Open Standard Senior IV Almere Netherlands
Excused 18 October 2019 Open Standard Senior IV Almere Netherlands
38. 54 6 November 2016 Open Standard Senior IV Dresden Germany
87. 11 10 August 2016 Open Standard Senior IV Stuttgart Germany
87. 10 12 August 2015 Open Standard Senior IV Stuttgart Germany
42. 74 5 July 2015 Open Standard Senior IV Wuppertal Germany
119. 5 21 February 2015 World Championship Standard Senior IV Tilburg Netherlands
16. 83 10 January 2015 Open Standard Senior IV Noordhoek Netherlands
14. 90 5 October 2014 Open Standard Senior IV Steenwijk Netherlands
65. 10 13 August 2014 Open Standard Senior IV Stuttgart Germany
44. 61 26 April 2014 Open Standard Senior IV Calvià Spain
101. 5 25 April 2014 World Championship Standard Senior IV Calvià Spain
21. 65 21 February 2014 Open Standard Senior IV Tilburg Netherlands
29. 58 1 February 2014 Open Standard Senior IV Antwerp Belgium
35. 54 24 November 2013 Open Standard Senior III Klundert Netherlands
30. 55 5 October 2013 Open Standard Senior III Steenwijk Netherlands
41. 54 22 February 2013 Open Standard Senior III Tilburg Netherlands
80. 7 16 February 2013 Open Standard Senior III Dresden Germany
70. 8 25 February 2012 Open Standard Senior III Dresden Germany
173. 5 16 August 2011 Open Standard Senior III Stuttgart Germany