Fabian Taeschner - Karina Rudi

General information

Profile picture of Fabian Taeschner Profile picture of Karina Rudi
Fabian Taeschner (10036168)
Karina Rudi (10022111)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
42. 22 4 July 2010 Open Latin Adult Wuppertal, Germany
24. 3 July 2010 Open Latin Rising Stars Wuppertal, Germany
55. 10 25 April 2010 Open Latin Adult Linz, Austria
30. 37 4 April 2010 International Open Latin Adult Berlin, Germany
41. 35 21 February 2010 International Open Latin Adult Tilburg, Netherlands
15. 20 February 2010 Open Latin Rising Stars Tilburg, Netherlands
68. 20 30 January 2010 International Open Latin Adult Pforzheim, Germany
22. 48 13 December 2009 International Open Latin Adult Oslo, Norway
20. 54 10 October 2009 International Open Latin Adult Arnhem, Netherlands
216. 24 20 August 2009 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart, Germany
14. 5 July 2009 Open Latin Youth Wuppertal, Germany
49. 8 4 July 2009 Open Latin Adult Wuppertal, Germany
19. 14 June 2009 Open Latin Youth Berlin, Germany
65. 14 12 April 2009 International Open Latin Adult Berlin, Germany
43. 34 31 January 2009 International Open Latin Adult Pforzheim, Germany