Erik Voorn - Charlotte Voorn

General information

Profile picture of Erik Voorn Profile picture of Charlotte Voorn
Erik Voorn (10003551)
Charlotte Voorn (10003552)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Senior II
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
12. 110 9 February 2008 World Championship Standard Senior I Antwerp Belgium
18. 68 3 March 2007 World Championship Standard Senior I Mislata Spain
7. 98 23 February 2007 Open Standard Senior I Tralee Ireland
13. 67 11 February 2007 Open Standard Senior I Antwerp Belgium
6. 14 October 2006 International Open Standard Senior I Arnhem Netherlands
6. 61 14 October 2006 Open Standard Senior I Aarnhem Netherlands
9. 90 8 April 2006 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
9. 8 April 2006 Open Standard Senior I Evry Russia
6. 107 24 February 2006 Open Standard Senior I Tralee Ireland
10. 130 11 February 2006 World Championship Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
7. 85 17 December 2005 Open Standard Senior I Luxembourg Luxembourg
6. 91 23 October 2005 Open Standard Senior I Liege Belgium
9. 140 3 September 2005 World Championship Standard Senior I Wetzlar Germany
9. 87 16 April 2005 Open Standard Senior I Esch-Alzette Luxembourg
7. 108 2 April 2005 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
3. 133 25 February 2005 Open Standard Senior I Tralee Ireland
3. 25 February 2005 Open Standard Senior Tralee Ireland
6. 102 6 February 2005 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
4. 124 17 October 2004 Open Standard Senior I Liege Belgium
4. 17 October 2004 Open Standard Senior Liege Belgium
5. 16 October 2004 Open Standard Senior I Arnhem Netherlands
5. 93 16 October 2004 Open Standard Senior I Aarnhem Netherlands
5. 111 5 June 2004 Open Standard Senior I Esch-Alzette Luxembourg
5. 5 June 2004 Open Standard Senior Esch-Alzette Luxembourg
7. 3 April 2004 Open Standard Senior Evry France
7. 50 3 April 2004 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
4. 6 March 2004 European Union Championship Standard Senior 's-Hertogenbosch Netherlands
5. 60 20 February 2004 Open Standard Senior I Tralee Ireland
3. 70 8 February 2004 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
3. 8 February 2004 Open Standard Senior Antwerpen Belgium
7. 7 February 2004 World Championship Standard Senior Antwerpen Belgium
7. 160 7 February 2004 World Championship Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
2. 80 23 November 2003 Open Standard Senior I Luxembourg Luxembourg
2. 23 November 2003 Open Standard Senior Luxembourg Luxembourg
3. 12 October 2003 Open Standard Senior Liege Belgium
3. 12 October 2003 Open Standard Adult Liege Belgium
3. 70 12 October 2003 Open Standard Senior I Liege Belgium
5. 60 11 October 2003 Open Standard Senior I Arnhem Netherlands
5. 11 October 2003 Open Standard Adult Arnhem Netherlands
5. 11 October 2003 Open Standard Senior Arnhem Netherlands
8. 13 September 2003 World Championship Standard Senior Usti Nad Labem Czechia
8. 13 September 2003 World Cup Standard Adult Usti nad Labem Czechia
8. 150 13 September 2003 World Championship Standard Senior I Usti Nad Labem Czechia
9. 5 April 2003 Open Standard Adult Evry France
9. 46 5 April 2003 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
9. 5 April 2003 Open Standard Senior Evry France
6. 15 March 2003 European Union Championship Standard Adult 's-Hertogenbosch Netherlands
5. 21 February 2003 International Open Standard Adult Tralee Ireland
5. 21 February 2003 Open Standard Senior Tralee Ireland
5. 60 21 February 2003 Open Standard Senior I Tralee Ireland
11. 42 9 February 2003 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
5. 19 October 2002 Open Standard Adult Arnheim Netherlands
5. 60 19 October 2002 Open Standard Senior I Arnheim Netherlands
4. 65 13 October 2002 Open Standard Senior I Liege Belgium
4. 13 October 2002 International Open Standard Adult Liege Belgium
11. 120 12 October 2002 World Championship Standard Senior I Liege Belgium
3. 70 20 April 2002 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
3. 20 April 2002 Open Standard Adult Antwerpen Belgium
3. 13 April 2002 International Open Standard Adult Evry France
3. 70 13 April 2002 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
6. 16 March 2002 European Union Championship Standard Adult 's-Hertogenbosch Netherlands
5. 15 February 2002 Open Standard Adult Copenhagen Denmark
5. 60 15 February 2002 Open Standard Senior I Copenhagen Denmark
4. 65 10 February 2002 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
4. 10 February 2002 Open Standard Adult Antwerpen Belgium
13. 21 October 2001 World Cup Standard Adult Turin Italy
76. 13 November 1999 International Open Standard Adult Netherlands Netherlands