Dave Fourie - Theresa Fourie

General information

Profile picture of Dave Fourie Profile picture of Theresa Fourie
Dave Fourie (10011251)
Theresa Fourie (10011252)
Danced for
South Africa
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
48. 49 18 October 2009 Open Latin Senior I Liege Belgium
42. 40 17 October 2009 World Championship Latin Senior I Liege Belgium
42. 35 2 March 2008 Open Latin Senior I Sant Cugat Spain
36. 45 1 March 2008 World Championship Latin Senior I Sant Cugat Spain
14. 51 26 January 2008 Open Latin Senior I Tampere Finland
23. 54 11 February 2007 Open Latin Senior I Antwerp Belgium
33. 45 10 February 2007 World Championship Latin Senior I Antwerp Belgium
29. 50 23 September 2006 World Championship Latin Senior I Helsinki Finland
25. 50 3 December 2005 World Championship Latin Senior I Salou Spain
22. 40 17 October 2004 Open Latin Senior I Liege Belgium
22. 17 October 2004 Open Latin Senior Liege Belgium
28. 16 October 2004 World Championship Latin Senior Liege Belgium
28. 50 16 October 2004 World Championship Latin Senior I Liege Belgium
31. 14 September 2003 World Cup Latin Adult Usti nad Labem Czechia
30. 19 October 2002 World Cup Latin Adult Foligno Italy
27. 14 October 2001 International Open Latin Adult Liege Belgium
28. 29 September 2001 World Cup Latin Adult Barcelona Spain