Bae Yoon - Lee Han Na

General information

Profile picture of Bae Yoon Profile picture of Lee Han Na
Bae Yoon (10007457)
Lee Han Na (10007458)
Danced for
South Korea
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
9. 57 10 September 2006 Open Latin Adult Macau People's Republic of China
15. 75 2 October 2005 International Open Latin Adult Taipei Chinese Taipei
16. 28 31 July 2005 Open Latin Adult Singapore Singapore
20. 46 1 May 2005 International Open Latin Adult Seoul South Korea
6. 50 10 April 2005 Open Latin Adult Tokyo Japan
17. 64 20 March 2005 International Open Latin Adult Tokyo Japan
21. 48 24 October 2004 International Open Latin Adult Taipei Chinese Taipei
41. 44 7 August 2004 GrandSlam Latin Adult Singapore Singapore
22. 30 9 November 2003 International Open Latin Adult Manila Philippines
22. 30 12 October 2003 International Open Latin Adult Taipeh Chinese Taipei