Anton Schletter - Nicola Niesl

General information

Profile picture of Anton Schletter Profile picture of Nicola Niesl
Anton Schletter (10035954)
Nicola Niesl (10022247)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
295. 51 15 August 2013 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart Germany
81. 35 7 July 2013 World Open Latin Adult Wuppertal Germany
42. 6 July 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Wuppertal Germany
185. 18 18 November 2012 World Open Latin Adult Vienna Austria
89. 35 8 July 2012 World Open Latin Adult Wuppertal Germany
58. 7 July 2012 Open Latin Rising Stars Wuppertal Germany
37. 23 8 April 2012 International Open Latin Adult Berlin Germany
55. 22 28 January 2012 International Open Latin Adult Pforzheim Germany
57. 16 3 July 2011 International Open Latin Adult Wuppertal Germany
49. 2 July 2011 Open Latin Rising Stars Wuppertal Germany
60. 13 24 April 2011 International Open Latin Adult Berlin Germany
76. 17 29 January 2011 International Open Latin Adult Pforzheim Germany
137. 19 20 November 2010 International Open Latin Adult Vienna Austria
281. 13 18 August 2010 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart Germany
23. 24 31 July 2010 Open Latin Adult Schladming Austria
79. 10 25 April 2010 Open Latin Adult Linz Austria
69. 12 4 April 2010 International Open Latin Adult Berlin Germany
58. 20 30 January 2010 International Open Latin Adult Pforzheim Germany