Ana Dragos - Janette Kaiser

General information

Profile picture of Ana Dragos Profile picture of Janette Kaiser
Ana Dragos (10061329)
Janette Kaiser (10034822)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
13. 23 February 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Tilburg Netherlands
3. 264 23 February 2013 Open Latin Youth Tilburg Netherlands
2. 9 December 2012 Open Latin Junior II Dortmund Germany
12. 149 8 December 2012 Open Latin Youth Dortmund Germany
19. 142 17 November 2012 Open Latin Youth Vienna Austria
7. 3 November 2012 World Championship Ten Dance Junior II Riga Latvia
58. 13 17 August 2012 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
1. 17 June 2012 Open Standard Junior II Berlin Germany
8. 180 17 June 2012 Open Latin Youth Berlin Germany
2. 16 June 2012 Open Latin Junior II Berlin Germany
2. 27 May 2012 Open Latin Junior San Marino San Marino
10. 117 27 May 2012 Open Latin Youth San Marino San Marino
6. 26 May 2012 Open Standard Junior San Marino San Marino