Alexandros Saoulidis - Vaia Georpalidou

General information

Profile picture of Alexandros Saoulidis Profile picture of Vaia Georpalidou
Alexandros Saoulidis (10091718)
Vaia Georpalidou (10091719)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
37. 76 9 October 2016 World Open Latin Adult Limassol Cyprus
15. 100 9 October 2016 Open Latin Youth Limassol Cyprus
25. 77 17 September 2016 World Open Latin Adult Sibiu Romania
28. 63 17 September 2016 Open Latin Youth Sibiu Romania
48. 67 25 June 2016 World Open Latin Adult Kavala Greece
5. 250 25 June 2016 Open Latin Youth Kavala Greece
4. 209 28 May 2016 Open Latin Youth Larissa Greece
9. 126 7 May 2016 Open Latin Youth Athens Greece
6. 198 10 April 2016 Open Latin Youth Thessaloniki Greece
46. 19 December 2015 World Championship Latin Junior II Riga Latvia
4. 28 November 2015 Open Latin Junior II Milano Malpensa Italy
22. 60 27 November 2015 Open Latin Youth Milano Malpensa Italy
7. 184 27 June 2015 Open Latin Youth Kavala Greece
9. 161 4 April 2015 Open Latin Youth Thessaloniki Greece
11. 132 8 March 2015 Open Latin Youth Thessaloniki Greece
5. 180 8 November 2014 Open Latin Youth Skopje Macedonia
6. 180 28 June 2014 Open Latin Youth Kavala Greece
16. 101 12 April 2014 Open Latin Youth Thessaloniki Greece