Alexandre Guryev - Muriel Quievreux

General information

Profile picture of Alexandre Guryev Profile picture of Muriel Quievreux
Alexandre Guryev (10009349)
Muriel Quievreux (10009350)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Senior I
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
19. 79 12 February 2006 Open Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
16. 75 11 February 2006 World Championship Standard Senior I Antwerpen Belgium
16. 75 3 September 2005 World Championship Standard Senior I Wetzlar Germany
10. 95 2 April 2005 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
9. 19 March 2005 International Open Standard Senior Marseille France
9. 62 19 March 2005 Open Standard Senior I Marseille France
9. 19 December 2004 Open Standard Senior Luxembourg Luxembourg
9. 64 19 December 2004 Open Standard Senior I Luxembourg Luxembourg
16. 67 17 October 2004 Open Standard Senior I Liege Belgium
16. 17 October 2004 Open Standard Senior Liege Belgium
10. 3 April 2004 Open Standard Senior Evry France
10. 44 3 April 2004 Open Standard Senior I Evry France
8. 48 13 March 2004 Open Standard Senior I Marseille France