Alessio Cacciatori - Floriana Messina

General information

Profile picture of Alessio Cacciatori Profile picture of Floriana Messina
Alessio Cacciatori (10048769)
Floriana Messina (10039638)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
4. 29 June 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Alassio Italy
26. 44 28 June 2014 International Open Latin Adult Alassio Italy
39. 78 21 June 2014 World Open Latin Adult San Marino San Marino
31. 26 7 June 2014 International Open Latin Adult Podcetrtek Slovenia
18. 88 11 May 2014 International Open Latin Adult Rimini Italy
3. 10 May 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Rimini Italy
3. 26 April 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
19. 88 26 April 2014 International Open Latin Adult Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
33. 88 12 April 2014 World Open Latin Adult Ljubljana Slovenia
21. 51 6 April 2014 International Open Latin Adult Olbia Italy
12. 6 April 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Olbia Italy
38. 31 22 March 2014 International Open Latin Adult Pieve di Cento Italy
45. 68 9 February 2014 World Open Latin Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
6. 8 February 2014 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy
12. 95 4 January 2014 International Open Latin Adult Castenaso Italy
9. 72 14 December 2013 Open Latin Adult Jesi Italy
5. 14 December 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Jesi Italy
45. 68 8 December 2013 World Open Latin Adult Maribor Slovenia
41. 76 1 December 2013 World Open Latin Adult Rome Italy
36. 34 22 November 2013 International Open Latin Adult Salsomaggiore Terme Italy
22. 22 November 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Salsomaggiore Terme Italy
30. 91 20 October 2013 World Open Latin Adult Timisoara Romania
41. 76 7 September 2013 World Open Latin Adult Bratislava Slovakia
12. 35 27 July 2013 Open Latin Adult Schladming Austria
43. 70 29 June 2013 World Open Latin Adult Alassio Italy
22. 47 15 June 2013 International Open Latin Adult Krsko Slovenia
52. 28 4 May 2013 World Open Latin Adult Rimini Italy
Excused 28 April 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
41. 25 27 April 2013 International Open Latin Adult Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
39. 76 13 April 2013 World Open Latin Adult Ljubljana Slovenia
44. 20 7 April 2013 International Open Latin Adult Olbia Italy
34. 6 April 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Olbia Italy
51. 30 10 February 2013 World Open Latin Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
26. 9 February 2013 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy
20. 60 16 December 2012 International Open Latin Adult Jesi Italy
20. 15 December 2012 Open Latin Rising Stars Jesi Italy
32. 29 24 November 2012 International Open Latin Adult Salsomaggiore Italy
13. 68 4 November 2012 International Open Latin Adult Skopje Macedonia
196. 50 16 August 2012 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart Germany
14. 28 28 July 2012 Open Latin Adult Schladming Austria