Alessandro De Sio - Annalisa Giordano

General information

Profile picture of Alessandro De Sio Profile picture of Annalisa Giordano
Alessandro De Sio (10006225)
Annalisa Giordano (10006226)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
4. 55 26 November 2006 Open Latin Adult Eboli Italy
24. 29 19 November 2006 Open Latin Adult Bologna Italy
21. 24 9 September 2006 Open Latin Adult Bologna Italy
31. 26 11 March 2006 Open Latin Adult Rimini Italy
12. 30 27 November 2005 Open Latin Adult Eboli Italy
18. 20 11 September 2005 Open Latin Adult Bologna Italy
69. 20 June 2005 Open Latin Adult Servia Italy
69. 18 20 June 2005 International Open Latin Adult Cervia Italy
23. 49 7 May 2005 International Open Latin Adult Izola Slovenia
38. 19 12 March 2005 Open Latin Adult Rimini Italy
4. 55 21 November 2004 Open Latin Adult Eboli Italy
19. 20 13 November 2004 Open Latin Adult Bologna Italy
17. 70 5 June 2004 International Open Latin Adult Esch-Alzette Luxembourg
30. 15 23 November 2003 Open Latin Adult Pozzuoli Italy
20. 20 8 November 2003 Open Latin Adult Bologna Italy
21. 20 20 July 2003 Open Latin Adult Venice Italy
21. 20 July 2003 International Open Latin Adult Venice Italy
21. 20 13 October 2002 Open Latin Adult Monteruscello Italy