Abylaikhan Akkubekov - Yelena Borovskaya

General information

Profile picture of Abylaikhan Akkubekov Profile picture of Yelena Borovskaya
Abylaikhan Akkubekov (10062356)
Yelena Borovskaya (10068499)
Danced for
Joined on
Current age group
Current status


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
24. 22 September 2012 World Championship Latin Youth Beijing People's Republic of China
46. 93 17 August 2012 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
8. 156 8 July 2012 International Open Latin Adult Batumi Georgia
1. 270 7 July 2012 Open Latin Youth Batumi Georgia
5. 25 June 2012 Open Latin Under 21 Alassio Italy
14. 144 24 June 2012 Open Latin Youth Alassio Italy
40. 88 23 June 2012 World Open Latin Adult Alassio Italy
31. 35 16 June 2012 International Open Latin Adult Sudak Ukraine
21. 99 16 June 2012 Open Latin Youth Sudak Ukraine
13. 155 6 May 2012 Open Latin Youth Kaunas Lithuania
11. 138 5 May 2012 Open Latin Youth Riga Latvia
33. 22 April 2012 World Championship Latin Under 21 Aarhus Denmark
21. 45 21 April 2012 International Open Latin Adult Aarhus Denmark
6. 207 20 April 2012 Open Latin Youth Aarhus Denmark
92. 18 18 March 2012 International Open Latin Adult Moscow Russia
16. 109 17 March 2012 Open Latin Youth Moscow Russia
6. 80 12 February 2012 Open Latin Adult Karaganda Kazakhstan
40. 33 28 January 2012 International Open Latin Adult Pforzheim Germany
5. 64 27 February 2011 Open Latin Adult Astana Kazakhstan
8. 91 25 April 2010 Open Latin Youth Linz Austria
31. 45 24 April 2010 World Championship Latin Youth Linz Austria