Szabo Gabriel - Fekete Renata

General information

Szabo Gabriel   (10106680)
Fekete Renata   (10145327)
Dancing for
Joined on
05 September 2023
Current age group
Current status

133. in Youth - Latin with 587 points

113. in Youth - Standard with 569 points

181. in Rising Stars - Latin with 63 points

181. in Under 21 - Latin with 59 points

517. in Adult - Latin with 97 points

382. in Adult - Standard with 121 points


About these rankings.

About these rankings

The competitions marked below in golden color show the ones that will be included for the calculation of your WorldRanking.

The WorldRanking is calculated once per day and includes only confirmed results.

Should the sum of points below NOT be the same as in your WorldRanking please be patient and wait for the next calculation of the WorldRanking.

14.12628 April 2024OpenStandardYouthOradea - Romania
27.4327 April 2024International OpenLatinAdultOradea - Romania
18.9927 April 2024OpenLatinYouthOradea - Romania
17.6818 November 2023International OpenStandardAdultSzeged - Hungary
10.16318 November 2023OpenStandardYouthSzeged - Hungary
8.18818 November 2023OpenLatinYouthSzeged - Hungary
23.8705 November 2023OpenLatinYouthSibiu - Romania
13.14004 November 2023OpenStandardYouthSibiu - Romania
22.5301 October 2023International OpenStandardAdultPiatra Neamt - Romania
13.14001 October 2023OpenStandardYouthPiatra Neamt - Romania
22.5430 September 2023International OpenLatinAdultPiatra Neamt - Romania
11.6330 September 2023OpenLatinRising StarsPiatra Neamt - Romania
15.13230 September 2023OpenLatinYouthPiatra Neamt - Romania
11.5908 September 2023OpenLatinUnder 21Bucharest - Romania
9.16808 September 2023OpenLatinYouthBucharest - Romania