Helge Uhrig - Desiree Hilbring

General information

Helge Uhrig   (10039743)
Desiree Hilbring   (10039744)
Dancing for
Transfered from
Germany to Switzerland on 24/11/2022
Joined on
16 February 2009
Current age group
Senior II
Current status

255. in Senior II - Standard with 111 points


About these rankings.

About these rankings

The competitions marked below in golden color show the ones that will be included for the calculation of your WorldRanking.

The WorldRanking is calculated once per day and includes only confirmed results.

Should the sum of points below NOT be the same as in your WorldRanking please be patient and wait for the next calculation of the WorldRanking.

29.9803 June 2023OpenStandardSenior IIBremen - Germany
88.1302 June 2023World ChampionshipStandardSenior IIBremen - Germany
76.1014 May 2023OpenStandardSenior IIFrankfurt - Germany
10.15607 January 2023OpenStandardSenior IICossirano di Trenzano (BS) - Italy
27.9503 December 2022OpenStandardSenior IIRimini - Italy
60.1302 December 2022World ChampionshipStandardSenior IIRimini - Italy
6.20728 September 2019OpenStandardSenior IIFrauenfeld - Switzerland
156.616 August 2019OpenStandardSenior IIStuttgart - Germany
87.1309 August 2017OpenStandardSenior IStuttgart - Germany
25.1418 April 2015OpenStandardAdultLausanne - Switzerland
8.13518 April 2015OpenStandardSenior ILausanne - Switzerland
25.8528 July 2013OpenStandardSenior ISchladming - Austria
29.8527 July 2013OpenStandardSenior ISchladming - Austria
70.1307 July 2013OpenStandardSenior IWuppertal - Germany
98.508 July 2012OpenStandardSenior IWuppertal - Germany
54.1119 November 2011OpenStandardSenior IVienna - Austria
51.923 April 2011OpenStandardSenior IBerlin - Germany
126.517 August 2010OpenStandardSenior IStuttgart - Germany
310.2422 August 2009GrandSlamStandardAdultStuttgart - Germany