Ranking for Master Class I PD Standard

The following results are from the WDSF World Championship taken place in Luxembourg - Luxembourg on 20 September 2015.


Couple Country Start #
1. Giuliano Serafini - Emanuela Chittaro ITA 288
2. Mauro Favaro - Angelina Shabulina ITA 285
3. Gianfranco Galeone - Biagina Calignano ITA 237
4. Roberto Palumbo - Giancarla Cantamessa ITA 286
5. Salvatore Cantone - Raffaella Grassi ITA 287
6. Carlo Romano - Vera Sokolova ITA 235

1. Round

Couple Country Start #
7. Andrea Becherelli - Alessia Scuderi ITA 284
8. Guenther Nagel - Antje Nagel GER 210
9. - 10. Fabrizio Nencini - Katia Cerboneschi ITA 215
9. - 10. Matthias Schoof - Anja Eilers-Schoof GER 222

Excused couples

No-Show couples

detail Karol Brull - Viktoria Bolender SVK