Sofroni Stefan Malin

General information

Profile picture of Sofroni Stefan Malin
Stefan Malin
Member Id number (MIN)
Current age group

Division: General
Status: Inactive
Expires on: 16/12/2019

Transfered from

Romania to Moldova on 12/12/2014


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
13. 10 October 2015 World Championship Latin Youth Chisinau Moldova
Noshow 13 August 2015 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart Germany
38. 112 11 August 2015 Open Latin Youth Stuttgart Germany
2. 392 26 April 2015 Open Latin Youth Chisinau Moldova
59. 25 April 2015 World Championship Latin Under 21 Chisinau Moldova
Noshow 29 March 2015 Open Latin Youth Bucharest Romania
Noshow 29 March 2015 World Open Latin Adult Bucharest Romania
34. 84 22 March 2015 World Open Latin Adult Brno Czechia
13. 150 21 March 2015 Open Latin Youth Brno Czechia
2. 8 February 2015 Open Latin Under 21 Bassano del Grappa Italy
30. 91 8 February 2015 World Open Latin Adult Bassano del Grappa Italy
5. 7 February 2015 Open Latin Rising Stars Bassano del Grappa Italy
4. 275 7 February 2015 Open Latin Youth Bassano del Grappa Italy
Noshow 21 September 2014 World Open Latin Adult Brasov Romania
14. 108 21 September 2014 Open Latin Youth Brasov Romania
23. 48 11 May 2014 International Open Latin Adult Bucharest Romania
7. 192 11 May 2014 Open Latin Youth Bucharest Romania
6. 216 21 September 2013 Open Latin Youth Brasov Romania
36. 84 27 April 2013 World Open Latin Adult Chisinau Moldova
9. 210 27 April 2013 Open Latin Youth Chisinau Moldova
10. 150 3 November 2012 Open Latin Youth Oradea Romania
3. 13 October 2012 Open Latin Junior II Chisinau Moldova
10. 55 27 November 2011 Open Latin Youth Cluj Napoca Romania


Couple Name Nationality Competing for Status Joined Retired
info Anastasia Stan Moldova Moldova Retired 13/01/2015 17/12/2015
info Acatrinei Alexandra Lacramioara Romania Romania Retired 01/10/2011 16/12/2014