Philippa Valavani

General information

Profile picture of Philippa Valavani
Member Id number (MIN)
Current age group
San Marino

Division: General
Status: Inactive
Expires on: 19/03/2019

Transfered from

Greece to San Marino on 28/01/2018


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
20. 93 1 April 2018 International Open Latin Adult Thessaloniki Greece
150. 21 25 March 2018 World Open Latin Adult Pieve Di Cento Italy
30. 24 March 2018 Open Latin Rising Stars Bari Italy
31. 40 24 March 2018 International Open Latin Adult Bari Italy
31. 81 25 June 2016 World Open Latin Adult Kavala Greece
29. 38 4 June 2016 International Open Latin Adult Timisoara Romania
51. 19 22 May 2016 International Open Latin Adult Chiasso Switzerland
22. 21 May 2016 Open Latin Under 21 Chiasso Switzerland
Excused 16 April 2016 International Open Standard Adult Olbia Italy
64. 20 16 April 2016 International Open Latin Adult Olbia Italy
Excused 15 April 2016 Open Standard Rising Stars Olbia Italy
41. 15 April 2016 Open Latin Rising Stars Olbia Italy
34. 15 April 2016 Open Latin Under 21 Olbia Italy
62. 19 14 February 2016 International Open Latin Adult Szigetszentmiklós Hungary
24. 48 27 June 2015 International Open Latin Adult Kavala Greece


Couple Name Nationality Competing for Status Joined Retired
info Georgy Yarmak Russia San Marino Retired 19/03/2018 12/09/2018
info Sergej Akopov Ukraine Greece Retired 18/11/2015 07/01/2017
info Anton Ermolenko Estonia Greece Retired 26/06/2015 28/10/2015