Momir Adamovic

General information

Profile picture of Momir Adamovic
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Member Id number (MIN)
Current age group
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Division: General
Status: Inactive
Expires on: 23/08/2018


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
Noshow 18 September 2016 International Open Standard Adult Novalja Croatia
28. 91 17 September 2016 World Open Latin Adult Novalja Croatia
66. 16 24 April 2016 International Open Latin Adult Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
43. 23 April 2016 Open Latin Rising Stars Valeggio Sul Mincio Italy
Noshow 31 October 2015 International Open Standard Adult Pescara Italy
Noshow 30 October 2015 International Open Latin Adult Pescara Italy
Noshow 26 April 2014 Open Standard Youth Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina
58. 28 26 April 2014 World Open Latin Adult Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina
22. 72 26 April 2014 Open Latin Youth Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina
35. 56 28 April 2013 Open Standard Youth Uzhgorod Ukraine
52. 18 27 April 2013 International Open Latin Adult Uzhgorod Ukraine
55. 18 20 April 2013 International Open Latin Adult Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina
28. 32 20 April 2013 International Open Standard Adult Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina


Couple Name Nationality Competing for Status Joined Retired
info Mia Milankovic Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Retired 11/10/2016 24/08/2018
info Isidora Cvijetic Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Retired 19/04/2013 11/10/2016