Lehoczky Gyorgy

General information

Profile picture of Lehoczky Gyorgy
Member Id number (MIN)
Current age group

Division: General
Status: Inactive
Expires on: 05/02/2018


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
16. 95 23 September 2012 International Open Latin Adult Kistelek, Hungary
14. 88 21 April 2012 International Open Latin Adult Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
10. 88 20 June 2010 International Open Latin Adult Krsko, Slovenia
41. 19 June 2010 European Championship Latin Adult Ostrava, Czechia
23. 48 13 June 2010 International Open Latin Adult Szombathely, Hungary
18. 12 June 2010 European Cup Latin Adult Szombathely, Hungary
45. 34 17 April 2010 International Open Standard Adult Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
11. 114 17 April 2010 International Open Latin Adult Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
11. 105 10 April 2010 International Open Latin Adult Larissa Town, Greece
20. 65 20 March 2010 International Open Latin Adult Subotica, Serbia
17. 80 14 March 2010 International Open Latin Adult Bucharest, Romania
57. 14 15 February 2009 International Open Latin Adult Bassano del Grappa, Italy
20. 60 11 December 2008 International Open Latin Adult Melbourne, Australia
3. 75 1 November 2008 Open Latin Adult Hradec Kralove, Czechia
45. 32 19 May 2008 International Open Latin Adult London, England
14. 81 19 April 2008 International Open Latin Adult Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
16. 28 January 2007 Open Latin Youth Tampere, Finland
14. 27 January 2007 World Championship Latin Youth Tampere, Finland
7. 24 September 2006 Open Latin Youth Kistelek, Hungary
25. 42 23 September 2006 International Open Latin Adult Kistelek, Hungary
60. 14 30 June 2006 International Open Latin Adult Cervia, Italy
15. 22 April 2006 Open Latin Youth Wels, Austria
20. 54 9 April 2006 International Open Latin Adult Bjelovar, Croatia
15. 2 April 2006 Open Latin Youth Brno, Czechia
20. 4 December 2005 unknown Latin Adult Kiskunhala, Hungary
27. 9 October 2005 Open Latin Youth Ostrava, Czechia
7. 25 September 2005 Open Latin Youth Kistelek, Hungary
36. 39 24 September 2005 International Open Latin Adult Kistelek, Hungary
88. 20 June 2005 Open Latin Adult Servia, Italy
88. 18 20 June 2005 International Open Latin Adult Cervia, Italy
14. 5 March 2005 Open Latin Youth Chiasso, Switzerland


Couple Name Nationality Competing for Status Joined Retired
info Czina Boglarka Hungary Hungary Retired 01/04/2012 12/05/2016
info Anja Imamovic Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Retired 01/02/2010 31/12/2010
info Zoanetti Annalisa Hungary Hungary Retired 01/04/2008 01/03/2009
info Kovacs Rita Hungary Hungary Retired 19/06/2005 21/06/2005
info Katona Rita Hungary Hungary Retired 04/03/2005 10/05/2007