Ilie Bardahan

General information

Profile picture of Ilie Bardahan
Member Id number (MIN)
Current age group

Division: General
Status: Inactive
Expires on: 21/11/2017


Rank Points Date Event Discipline Category Location
185. 18 18 November 2012 World Open Latin Adult Vienna, Austria
89. 50 16 August 2012 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart, Germany
7. 203 21 July 2012 International Open Latin Adult Zevenbergen, Netherlands
25. 106 8 July 2012 World Open Latin Adult Wuppertal, Germany
12. 91 19 May 2012 International Open Latin Adult Luxembourg, Luxembourg
6. 232 28 April 2012 International Open Latin Adult Zevenbergen, Netherlands
5. 254 8 April 2012 International Open Latin Adult Berlin, Germany
19. 98 24 March 2012 International Open Latin Adult Brno, Czechia
5. 23 March 2012 Open Latin Rising Stars Brno, Czechia
28. 193 4 February 2012 GrandSlam Latin Adult Antwerp, Belgium
1. 3 February 2012 Open Latin Rising Stars Antwerp, Belgium
44. 25 22 October 2011 International Open Latin Adult Mons, Belgium
15. 64 2 October 2011 International Open Latin Adult Oslo, Norway
24. 51 3 July 2011 International Open Latin Adult Wuppertal, Germany
14. 74 24 April 2011 International Open Latin Adult Berlin, Germany
35. 43 20 February 2011 International Open Latin Adult Tilburg, Netherlands
2. 75 4 December 2010 Open Latin Adult Cluj Napoca, Romania
131. 13 18 August 2010 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart, Germany
15. 77 11 July 2010 International Open Latin Adult Alassio, Italy
2. 10 July 2010 Open Latin Rising Stars Alassio, Italy
14. 37 4 July 2010 Open Latin Adult Wuppertal, Germany
2. 3 July 2010 Open Latin Rising Stars Wuppertal, Germany
6. 171 4 April 2010 International Open Latin Adult Berlin, Germany
14. 34 24 October 2009 Open Latin Adult Elblag, Poland
11. 96 10 October 2009 International Open Latin Adult Arnhem, Netherlands
7. 12 September 2009 World Championship Latin Youth Yichang, People's Republic of China
98. 24 20 August 2009 GrandSlam Latin Adult Stuttgart, Germany
1. 5 July 2009 Open Latin Youth Wuppertal, Germany
14. 4 July 2009 Open Standard Youth Wuppertal, Germany
19. 30 4 July 2009 Open Latin Adult Wuppertal, Germany
2. 14 June 2009 Open Latin Youth Berlin, Germany
11. 13 June 2009 Open Standard Youth Berlin, Germany
21. 38 19 April 2009 Open Latin Adult Linz, Austria
4. 18 April 2009 Open Latin Youth Linz, Austria
17. 68 12 April 2009 International Open Latin Adult Berlin, Germany
8. 5 April 2009 Open Latin Youth Brno, Czechia
31. 45 4 April 2009 International Open Latin Adult Brno, Czechia
9. 3 April 2009 Open Latin Rising Stars Brno, Czechia


Couple Name Nationality Competing for Status Joined Retired
info Anastasia Bodnar Germany Germany Retired 31/03/2010 19/11/2012
info Jekaterina Kalugina Germany Germany Retired 02/04/2009 13/09/2009
info Ekaterina Kalugina Germany Germany Retired 16/03/2009 19/03/2010
info Maria-Luisa Martino Germany Germany Retired 25/08/2008 15/02/2009