Understanding Restrictions

Understanding Restrictions

The WDSF Presidium had gone to considerable length in explaining the rationale for and the vision behind its motions for amendments to the current codes of conduct and ethical standards. Already on Saturday, 16 June, more than one hour was spent discussing them together with the counter motions submitted by nine WDSF Member Bodies. 

The debate during the Forum covered the full range of issues, from the emotional to the strictly legal. Whereby the counsel to WDSF, Mr Ross Wenzel of Carrard & Associates, Lausanne, SUI, provided the delegates with an expert legal opinion and reference to the practices by other International Sports Federations. 

First Vice-President Lukas Hinder and Sports Director Marco Sietas explained, respectively, the process of voting on the motions concerning the ethical codes and the sporting perspectives of implementing the latter.

Understanding Restrictions

On the following day, the General Meeting spent another two hours continuing the deliberations on a matter that touched on the highly sensitive issue of restrictions to be imposed in order to safeguard the notion of dance as a coherent and universal sport.

The movers of the counter motions advocated restrictions as well, albeit to a considerably lesser extent, presented their arguments and rallied themselves for support. Franz Allert, Delegate for Germany, Flemming Riis, Delegate for Denmark, and Ken Richards, Delegate for USA, were the most vocal proponents of the less restrictive wording in the ethical codes.

Ultimately, the great divide in perceptions of what constitutes an optimal way of regulating DanceSport under WDSF Statutes and other governing documents led the Presidium to withdraw its motions. The movers of the counter motions agreed to do the same with theirs.

Both parties moved to postpone consideration of their proposals until such time that another motion can be presented to the General Meeting with total consensus between the movers.

Suspensions Lifted

At the same time, the 2012 WDSF General Meeting resolved to abstain forthwith from applying the sanctions contemplated in the current ethical codes for athletes and officials taking part in “Non-WDSF Events”.

Furthermore, athletes and officials who are currently under suspension for having taken part in “Non-WDSF Events” can apply to their National Member Bodies for their suspensions to be lifted with immediate effect.

 An Opportunity

An excellent opportunity has now arisen for the WDSF Presidium and the Member Bodies to work together on a new proposal that will (a) safeguard DanceSport and (b) ensure consensus within the international DanceSport community.

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