Portoroz - Slovenia from 14/04/2017 to 16/04/2017

Contact and information

At the request of the organizer, all cancelled competitions will be held as non-wdsf competitions.

Organizer: Dance club FENIKS, Nataša Ambrož

Phone: +386 40 214 774

Register here.


Friday, 14 April 2017

WDSF Open Ten Dance Junior I Cancelled
WDSF Open Ten Dance Junior II Cancelled
WDSF Open Ten Dance Juvenile Cancelled

Saturday, 15 April 2017

WDSF Open Standard Juvenile II Cancelled
WDSF Open Latin Junior I Cancelled
WDSF Open Latin Junior II Confirmed results available

Sunday, 16 April 2017

WDSF Open Standard Junior I Cancelled
WDSF Open Standard Junior II Confirmed results available
WDSF Open Latin Juvenile II Cancelled